115 Camtasia Studio PowerPoint Add-In Stop Recording
116 Camtasia Studio PowerPoint Add-In Record audio
117 Show Camera Preview
118 Please end the active presentation before changing the options.
119 Please end the active presentation before starting a new recording.
120 Please end the active presentation before changing the audio options.
121 An error occurred locating the Camtasia recording file.
122 Camtasia could not overwrite the project files. Please make sure all files are closed or choose a different project name.
123 Camtasia could not save the project. Please make sure that the name and location are valid.
124 Full Frames (Uncompressed)
125 Record Camera
126 Camtasia Studio PowerPoint Add-In Record the Camera
127 (Eval)
128 Camtasia Studio PowerPoint Add-In Show Camera Preview
129 Camtasia Studio recording options
130 Are you sure you want to delete the current video capture?
131 Record audio
132 Recording a PowerPoint Presentation
133 <html><font size = "100">Recording of the PowerPoint presentation will start now. Stop recording by simply ending the presentation. Afterwards, Camtasia Studio will launch and you may edit and produce your video in various file formats.<font size = "75"><BR><br></font><font size = "85"><T>Keyboard shortcuts</font><font size = "85"><font size = "10"><br><br></font><T></font><font size = "90">Pause or start recording: <b>%s</b><br><font size = "85"><T></font>Stop recording:<t><t><t><t><b>%s</b></font></font></html>
134 Camtasia Studio PowerPoint Add-In
135 Recording Performance Tip
136 <font size = "100">The PowerPoint recording area may be too large. For better performance results, please try one of the following:<font size = "60"><br><br></font><t>1) Reduce the screen size<br><t>2) Disable hardware acceleration<br><t>3) Close all other applications<font size = "60"></font></font>
137 Please open a PowerPoint presentation in order to begin recording.
138 Unknown
139 %dHz
140 %d Bit
141 Mono
142 Stereo
143 %dKB/s
144 PCM (uncompressed audio)
145 Audio Codec:
146 Audio Format:
147 %s to Pause
148 Audio/video synchronization issues may result for longer movies (e.g. 5 minutes or longer)\nwhen using MPEG Layer-3 and 11,025 or 22,050 Hz sampling rates.\n\nConsider choosing MPEG Layer-3 audio attributes with a different sampling rate.
149 Unable to choose audio format.\nNote that some audio codecs may not allow this tool to use them for compression.
150 The presentation was too short to record.
151 Unable to start recording. Please choose a different video or audio codec by clicking on the Advanced button\nin the Camtasia Studio PowerPoint Add-In options dialog (0x%x).
152 The watermark image, %s, could not be opened.\nDo you wish to disable the watermark and continue recording?
153 This feature requires a camera to be installed. \nPlease visit www.techsmith.com for information about ordering a camera from TechSmith.
154 Camtasia Studio PowerPoint Add-In Record
155 Camtasia Studio PowerPoint Add-In Options
156 Launch Presentation and Start Recording
157 Camtasia PowerPoint Add-In encountered an error while connecting with powerpoint.
158 An error was encountered while trying to recording PowerPoint (%x).
159 An error occurred while initializing the camera for capture. Camera video will not be recorded.
160 Presentation Resumed
161 Presentation Paused
162 Unable to register Stop hotkey
163 Click the Record button on the Add-Ins tab to begin recording the presentation.
164 Please choose a hotkey to stop recording.
165 Unable to initialize camera.
166 %s or ESC to Stop
167 %s to Stop
168 ESC to Stop
169 Prnscr
170 None
171 ESC
172 %s or ESC
173 Saving Recording
174 Deleting Recording
175 Help
176 Camtasia Studio PowerPoint Add-In Help
177 Open help topic
178 Click the Record button to begin recording the presentation.
193 We noticed that this is your first time running PowerPoint with the Camtasia Studio PowerPoint Add-In. We have created a getting started presentation to assist you in making your first recording. To view this presentation please click the link below.
194 Open the Getting Started presentation
195 Unable to open the Getting Started guide.
196 Click to resume recording
197 Camtasia Studio Recording Paused
198 Click to begin recording
199 Camtasia Studio Recording Stopped
200 Open Presentation to Record
201 Your presentation has ended. Would you like to continue recording?
202 Show me how to record PowerPoint
203 You may not record the camera while the "Save as AVI" option is enabled.
204 You cannot record camera video if you record to AVI. The record camera option has been turned off. To record camera please turn off the "Save as AVI" option.
205 Save Camtasia Recording As...
206 All Files (*.*)|*.*|All PowerPoint Presentations (*.ppt;*.pps;*.pot;*.htm;*.html;*.mht;*.mhtml)|*.ppt;*.pps;*.pot;*.htm;*.html;*.mht;*.mhtml|Presentations and Shows (*.ppt;*.pps)|*.ppt;*.pps|All Web Pages (*.htm, *.html, *.mht, *.mhtml)|*.htm, *.html, *.mht, *.mhtml|Design Templates (*.pot)|*.pot|All Outlines (*.txt;*.rtf;*.doc;*.wpd;*.wps)|*.txt;*.rtf;*.doc;*.wpd;*.wps|PowerPoint Add-Ins (*.ppa)|*.ppa||
207 You may not preview the camera while the "Save as AVI" option is enabled.
208 No audio input device or microphone has been detected on this system.\nPlease check that microphone is connected properly before continuing.
209 <font size = "100">The PowerPoint recording area may be too large. For better performance results, please try one of the following:<font size = "60"><br><br></font><t>1) Reduce the screen size<br><t>2) Close all other applications<font size = "60"></font></font>
210 Camera Preview in PowerPoint
211 <font size = "100">Note - on Windows Vista, the Camera Preview window will be recorded by default if it appears in the recording area.</font>
337 None selected
340 Unable to record both application audio and microphone audio due to hardware limitations.
10051 You must enter a valid software key.
10052 You must enter a valid name.
10053 Upgrade Notice
10054 Welcome!
10055 Unfortunately, your current Software Key will not work with this version. Upgrade today and get a new key.
10056 Purchase
10057 Order Online
10058 Order via Phone
10059 Purchase Upgrade
10062 Registration Wizard
10063 Thank you for purchasing @PRODUCT@.\n\nThe expiration period and purchase reminder screens have been removed.
10064 Thank you for trying a new version of @PRODUCT@!
10065 I would like to &upgrade @PRODUCT@ now
10066 NOTICE! All output will be branded with a 'Captured by @PRODUCT@' tag when the trial period expires.
10067 NOTICE! @PRODUCT@ will stop functioning when the trial period expires.
10074 Your %d day trial period has EXPIRED!\nAll output will be branded with a 'Captured by @PRODUCT@' tag until you purchase the product.
10075 Your %d day trial period has EXPIRED!\n@PRODUCT@ will not function until you purchase the product.
10081 %d days left
10082 To complete your purchase, contact our sales staff by phone (toll free USA only: +1 800-517-3001 or voice: +1 517-381-2300) or e-mail (@PRODUCTEMAIL@). Please provide the following code when you contact us: %s
10083 Enter Software Key
10200 Unable to find a suitable codec to compress the audio stream.\nYou will not be able to record audio.
10201 Unable to find a suitable codec to decompress the audio stream.\nYou will not be able to hear the audio.
10202 Unable to open
10203 The file couldn't be read, indicating a corrupt file or an unrecognized format.
10204 The file could not be opened because of insufficient memory.
10205 A disk error occurred while reading the file.
10206 A disk error occurred while opening the file.
10207 AVI file class not registered.
10208 Unable to find a suitable codec
10209 to decompress the video stream.\n You will not be able to view the movie.
10210 Could not open an audio or a video stream in the file\n%s.
10211 The buffer is too small to contain the selected filter.
10212 The stream header is currently in use.
10213 The stream header was not prepared by the acmStreamPrepareHeader function.
10214 The user chose the Cancel button or the Close command on the System menu to close the dialog box.
10215 The audio line reference is invalid.
10216 The control reference is invalid.
10217 The value is invalid.
10218 No error occurred.
10219 The hmxobj parameter specifies an invalid device identifier.
10220 The multimedia driver enable failed.
10221 The mixer device is already allocated.
10222 The mixer handle is invalid.
10223 No mixer device is available for the object specified.
10224 A memory allocation error occurred.
10225 The mixer function is not supported.
10226 The value is out of range.
10227 One or more flags are invalid.
10228 One or more parameters are invalid.
10229 The mixer is being used simultaneously on another thread.
10230 The specified alias can not be found.
10231 A registry entry is invalid.
10232 The registry key was not found.
10233 The registry could not be read.
10234 Error writing to the registry.
10235 Cannot delete the registry key.
10236 The registry value was not found.
10237 The driver does not call DriverCallback.
10238 Not all data was returned.
10239 An unspecified error occurred.
10240 NOTE: DV AVI files are currently not supported.
10302 The file '%s' cannot be saved because the path is too long. Please use a shorter path.
10303 The file '%s' cannot be opened because the path is too long. Please use a shorter path.
10304 The file '%1' does not end with a valid extension. The extension must be one of the following: %2
10305 NOTE: When using long file names, the path you supply may be truncated by Windows causing your extension to be missing or invalid. If this is the case, please use a shorter path.
10306 %1 bytes
10307 %1%2%3 KB
10308 %1%2%3 MB
10309 %1%2%3 GB
10310 Initialize was not called before attempting to copy the registry data.\nIt is highly recommended that Initialize() be called before copying begins, otherwise damage to the registry may occur.\nDo you wish to continue?
10311 Registry Copy WARNING
10312 (%s bytes)
10313 Preview
10314 Unable to write to file %s
10325 True
10326 False
10327 ?*<>/|"
10328 ?*<>/|":\
10329 enu
10331 Could not locate or start TSCHelp.exe\nOnline help will not be available
10332 Folder: %s does not exist.\n\nCreate Folder?
10333 Unable to create folder: %s
10334 Unable to launch browser: %d
10335 Could not locate help file: %s\nOnline help will not be available
10336 The filename '%s' contains the following invalid character: '%s'
26019 You have less than 1 day left in your %d day trial period!
26020 You have %d days left in your %d day trial period.
26021 Unable to choose audio format.
26022 Your %d day trial period has EXPIRED!
26023 Audio Format
26024 Unable to launch. The file '%s' was not found.
26025 The watermark feature supports 32-bit PNG files with per-pixel transparency information. With per-pixel transparency, the watermark can be made with smooth edges and drop shadows that gradually fade into the background. These image files can be authored with any image editing tool which supports 32-bit PNG output.
26026 Transparent PNG Support
26027 North
26028 North-East
26029 East
26030 South-East
26031 Speaker Audio
26032 South
26033 South-West
26034 West
26035 North-West
26036 This is a Pre-release version of Camtasia Studio. Visit www.techsmith.com to purchase the final release.
26037 Te&ll a Friend
26038 Reset &Balloon Tips
26039 enu
26040 No camera devices found.
26041 Default Codec
26042 &Don't show this message again
26045 Error: The recording file was created in a newer version of Camtasia Studio and cannot be loaded in this version.
26046 Error: The recording file contains an invalid project version number.
26050 Do you really want to cancel?
26052 Initializing Camera
26053 Recovering Screen Recording
26054 Unable to save file: %s.\n\nMedia Player or some other application may have this file open.\nPlease close any application using this file, then hit Retry.
26055 Recovering Camera Video - Pass %d
26056 Save Recovered File As
26057 AVI Files (*.avi)|*.avi||
26058 Camrec Files (*.camrec)|*.camrec||
26059 Are you sure you want to cancel the recovery process? If you choose to cancel then this recording will be lost forever.
26060 Camtasia Studio has detected an unfinished recording from a previous recording session. Would you like to attempt to recover that recording?\n\nIf Yes, Camtasia Studio will prompt you for a file name for the new recording and then try to recover the recording. This process could take a significant amount of time based on the length of the recording being recovered.\n\nIf No, then the recording files will be deleted from your Camtasia Studio temporary directory. Once temporary recording files are deleted you cannot recover them at a later time.
26061 The recording has been recovered successfully. The new file has been saved as:\n "%s".
26062 Unfortunately, the camera video had to be trauncated during recovery and may be shorter than expected.
26063 Camtasia &Studio
26064 Camtasia &Recorder
26065 An error occurred while trying to initialize the camera. The video format options will not be available at this time.
26066 Extracting Camrec Contents
26067 Camtasia &MenuMaker
26068 Camtasia P&layer
26069 Camtasia &Theater
26071 Camtasia &Audio Editor
26072 This feature has been disabled. Please see your system administrator for details.
26073 Select the audio device and input source.
26074 Choose Audio Settings
26075 &Include microphone audio
26076 (Unavailable)
26077 Unable To Automatically Detect
26078 Audio Setup Wizard
26079 Tune Volume Input Levels
26080 Display technical support information\nSupport
26081 Open Frequently Asked Questions web page\nFrequently Asked Questions
26082 View Camtasia Studio Getting Started Videos\nGetting Started Videos
26083 Tell a friend about Camtasia Studio\nTell a Friend
26084 Check for product upgrades\nCheck for Upgrade
26085 Visit the TechSmith website for more product information\nTechSmith on the web
26086 Open TechSmith home page\nTechSmith Home
26087 Open Camtasia Studio home page\nCamtasia Studio Home
26088 Send feedback to TechSmith\nSend Feedback
26089 Discover other TechSmith products\nTechSmith Products
26090 Display program information\nAbout Camtasia Studio
26091 Purchase Camtasia Studio\nPurchase
26092 Enter software key\nEnter Key
26093 Adjust the volume level from the input source selected on the previous page.
26094 Begin speaking in: %d
26095 Begin speaking now. Test time remaining: %d
26096 Volume adjustments complete.
26098 Prompt before update check
26099 Yes
26100 &Support
26101 &Frequently Asked Questions
26102 &Getting Started Videos
26103 Check for &Upgrade
26104 &TechSmith on the Web
26105 &TechSmith Home
26106 &Camtasia Studio Home
26107 &Send Feedback
26108 TechSmith &Products
26109 &About Camtasia Studio
26110 &Purchase Camtasia Studio...
26111 &Enter Software Key...
26112 No
26113 Camtasia Studio Upgrade Status
26114 Close
26115 Unable to contact TechSmith server.
26116 Please check your connection to the Internet.
26145 If you have Internet access, you may purchase immediately with a quick transaction through our Web site.
26146 The key you entered is not a valid key for this version.\n\nHint: This key may unlock a newer version of the software. Please visit\nhttp://www.techsmith.com. Download and install the latest version of the\nsoftware. Enter the key when prompted by the software.\n\nIf you need further assistance, please contact customerservice@techsmith.com.
26147 The key you entered is not a valid key.
26148 This application requires Windows XP or later in order to run.
26195 Reset balloon tips\nReset Balloon Tips
26217 Selected device could not be located on the system
26218 Selected codec could not be located on the system
26219 Choose Camera Settings
26220 Select the video device.
26221 Check for Upgrade
26222 You can check for updates available for Camtasia Studio. This requires an internet connection. Do you wish to continue?
26223 No audio was detected!\n\nMake sure the microphone is plugged in and the correct device is selected.
26224 Audio was detected, but it wasn't loud enough to get an accurate volume.\n\nPlease repeat the test and make sure the microphone is positioned closer to your mouth and that you speak loudly.
26225 Done
26226 Go
26230 UpdateLayeredWindow failed with error code %d.
26231 Unable to load the image file %s. Check that the file exists and that it is a supported file type.
26232 Unable to create the layered window.
26233 The image used to create the window must contain per-pixel alpha information in ARGB format.
26234 Processing Recording
26235 Progress: %d%%
26259 Camtasia Studio Tip
26280 Copyright (c) 1999-2008 TechSmith Corporation. All rights reserved. Camtasia, Camtasia Studio, and TSCC are registered trademarks of TechSmith Corporation.\n\nWarning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
26281 This software is registered to:
26282 Multi-User License
26284 Arial
26285 20
26286 700
26287 Portions utilize Microsoft Windows Media Technologies.\nCopyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n\nPortions of this product were created using LEADTOOLS.\nCopyright (c) 1991-1998, LEAD Technologies,Inc. All rights reserved.\n\nPortions of this product utilize LAME encoding: http://www.mp3dev.org \nMPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.
26288 Version %s - %s
26289 Version %s (Build %s) - %s
26306 Launch other Camtasia Studio tools\nLaunch other tools